The Parent company of Planet Health WORLD is Planet of Healthheadquartered in EU Slovenia, with twenty-three (23) additional Wellness Centers throughout Europe. For more than two decades, Planet of Health has been naturally transforming damaged, aged, non-functioning skin into vibrant Functional skin that is healthy, beautiful, radiant, and sensuous! This transformation from non-functional skin to Functional is the absolute foundation necessary for health and youthful aging and is the foundation for the restoration of good health throughout the body to innately take place with decades of practical experience helping thousands of people who have visited the Planet of Health EU Wellness Centers, in combination with more than 15 years of documented Scientific Research, based on transforming ‘non-functional’ skin, to once again becoming ‘Functional’ is what we define as …THE ESSENTIALITY OF WELLNESS”, and is what allows for the transformation of people’s lives from sickness to the vibrant health that we are intended to have. Planet of Health, being the only company in the world with the knowledge for natural skin functioning restoration is now expanding worldwide, through PLANET HEALTH WORLD.

 Discovering and implementing the foundation for an individual to naturally reclaim their health and assist them to live their life to the fullest… providing them with a natural solution for magnificent healthy, youthful- aging skin, is an immense responsibility that we take very seriously. It is for this reason that Planet of Health is expanding into worldwide markets, under its subsidiary company, Planet Health World, to provide these proven, scientific-backed transformational natural products to those who seriously care about their health, skin, and youthful aging.

Planet of Health, and Planet Health WORLD specializes in the Science of Body Thermo-regulationThrough our extensive knowledge in this area, birth was given to The Planet of Health ‘Thermo-Regulation’ 100% natural Skin and Wellness products. These products have been in development for more than 25 years and cannot be found through any other company in the world! All of our products address the necessary and proper ‘cooling’ or ‘heating’ of the body’s glands and organs, which is the answer to having functional radiant skin and vibrant health.

Keeping the body’s organs and glands at their proper internal temperature is vital to maintaining normal biochemical functions, proper reactions of enzymes, hormonal balance, and all other processes that are necessary for the body to self-heal and be in optimal health.

Through the Planet of Health uniquely designed natural products, the body initiates self-healing which allows it to naturally correct its Thermo-regulation and restore proper electrical conductivity. This correction is only possible through the Planet of Health unique and proprietary formulated natural products, now available worldwide via Planet Health WORLD!